Art, Culture and Deception (as also seen at the Museum)
Round table on action, participation and representation in Spain and Argentina
25 october, 2010 - 7 p.m.
Sabatini Building, Planta 0, Sala de Bóvedas
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Carolina Golder. Member of the Grupo de Arte Callejero and professor at the National University Institute of the Arts (IUNA) in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Liliana Di Negro. Member of the group Urbomaquia and professor at the National University of Córdoba (UNC), Argentina.
Leo Ramos. Architect and cultural manager of the Media Musem in Resistencia, Argentina. Joaquín Ivars. Artist and director of the Art and Design Area of the European University of Madrid (UEM), Spain.
Presented and moderated by: Domingo Mestre (United artists from the Museum).
Given the room's limited capacity, it will also be possible to listen to the debate online through the Museum's website and on the information screens.