Miguel Trillo Noche de baile en el Círculo de Bellas Artes, Lugo (Dancing Night in the Circulo de... 1991
Miguel Trillo Sat y Also, grafiteros de Entrevías (Sat and Also, Graffiti Artists from Entrevías) 1994
Paolo Troubetzkoy Après le bal. Madame Geltrude Anernheimer (After the Ball. Madame Geltrude Anernheimer) 1897-1898 (circa)
David Eugene Tudor 9 Evenings: Theatre & Engineering. Bandoneon! [Bandoneon Factorial] (A Combine) 1966-2008
Joëlle Tuerlinckx Statiques carré de ciel bleu (I), (II), (III) (Static Squares of Blue Sky [1], [2], [3]) 2009