Joseph Kosuth, Sol LeWitt, Lawrence Weiner, Carl Andre, Robert Morris, Robert Barry, Douglas Huebler The Xerox Book 1968
Bruce Nauman, John Cage, Andy Warhol, Robert Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns Merce Cunningham Portfolio 1974-1975 / Published in 1975
Wila (Vicente Vila Gimeno) Un sindicato fuerte poderoso aeronáutica (For a Strong and Powerful Aviation Trade Union) 1937
Wols (Alfred Otto Wolfgang Schulze) Visages. Précédé de Portraits Officiels (Faces. Preceded by Official Portraits) 1948
Wols (Alfred Otto Wolfgang Schulze) Nourritures. Suivi d'extraits de la Nausée (Nourishment. Followed by extracts from ... 1949