Alfonso Sánchez Portela Sufragistas en la calle de Alcalá (Sufragettes on Alcalá Street) 1932 / Later print, 1984
Alfonso Sánchez Portela La tertulia del Café de Pombo (The Gathering at the Café de Pombo) 1932 / Later print, 1984 Room 201.03
Alfonso Sánchez Portela Pablo Iglesias en los sellos de correos (Pablo Iglesias on Postage Stamps) 1933
Alfonso Sánchez Portela Julio Ruiz de Alda, Alfonso García Valdecasas y José Antonio Primo de Rivera, en el... 1933 (October 29th) / Later print, 1984
Alfonso Sánchez Portela Las modistillas pidiendo novio a San Antonio de la Florida (The Seamstresses Requesting... 1933 / Later print, 1984
Alfonso Sánchez Portela Guardias Civiles y de Asalto disparando, vigilando, deteniendo a los revolucionarios de... 1934 (October 6th) / Later print, circa 1960
Alfonso Sánchez Portela El gobierno de Cataluña en la cárcel Modelo (The Government of Cataluña in the Modelo... 1935 (May) / Later print, 1984
Alfonso Sánchez Portela Asesinato de Calvo Sotelo (Assassination of Calvo Sotelo) 1936 (July 13th) / Later print, 1984
Alfonso Sánchez Portela El patio del Cuartel de la Montaña (The Courtyard of the Cuartel de la Montaña Barracks) 1936 (July 20th) / Later print, 1984
Alfonso Sánchez Portela La boda de los milicianos (The Wedding of a Militiaman and a Militiawoman) 1936 (October 18th) / Later print, 1984
Alfonso Sánchez Portela Vísperas de la Guerra Civil en el Paseo de la Castellana (The Days Before the Spanish... 1936 (April 14th) / Later print, 1984
Alfonso Sánchez Portela La madrina del miliciano (The Militiaman's Godmother) 1937 / Later print, 1984