10 may, 1995 - 03 june, 1995
The audiovisual programs are intended to counteract the predo
10 may, 1995 - 03 june, 1995
06 april, 1995 - 29 april, 1995
01 march, 1995 - 25 march, 1995
02 february, 1995 - 25 february, 1995
11 october, 1994 - 04 november, 1994
28 september, 1994 - 15 october, 1994
15 june, 1994 - 11 july, 1994
01 june, 1994 - 18 june, 1994
27 april, 1994 - 21 may, 1994
06 april, 1994 - 23 april, 1994
09 march, 1994 - 19 march, 1994
02 february, 1994 - 26 february, 1994
20 october, 1993 - 04 november, 1993
19 may, 1993 - 20 may, 1993
13 may, 1993 - 05 june, 1993
15 april, 1993 - 30 april, 1993
11 march, 1993 - 27 march, 1993
11 february, 1993 - 27 february, 1993
01 december, 1992 - 18 december, 1992