alighiero boetti
game plan
The Worker Photography Movement (1926-1939)
Essays and Documents
Thomas Schütte
Martín Ramírez. Reframing Confinement
: VAL DEL OMAR overflow
New Realisms: 1957-1962
Object strategies between readymade and spectacle
Hans-Peter Feldmann
Another Book
Mixed use, Manhattan
Photography and Related Practices, 1970S to the Present
De gustibus non disputandum
Jean-Luc Mylayne
Into the hands of time
What Can We Believe Where?: Robert Adams
Photographs of the American West
The Potosi Principle
How Can We Sing the Song of the Lord in an Alien Land?
Francesco Lo Savio
Drifts and Derivations
Experiences, journeys and morphologies
Tacita Dean
The Friar's Doodle
How to Carry the World on One's Back?
Eulalia Valldosera
Eulalia Valldosera. The navel of the World
Josiah McElheny
A Space for an Island Universe
Georges Vantongerloo
A Longing for Infinity
Silo. Archivo F.X.
Peter Fischli/David Weiss
Are Animals People?
Chen Chieh-Jen
Military Court and Prision
Francesc Ruiz. La visita guiada
The Spanish Night: Flamenco, Avant-garde and Popular Culture 1865-1936
The Invention of the 20th Century
Carl Einstein and the Avant-gardes
Nancy Spero
Evaristo Bellotti
Deimantas Narkevicius
The Unanimous Life
Javier Riera
Noche Áurea
Chuck Close. Paintings 1968/2006
Be-Bomb: The Transatlantic War of Images and All That Jazz. 1946-1956
Guide The Spanish Night. Flamenco, the Avant-garde and Popular Culture 1865 – 1936
Annette Messager
La procesión va por dentro
À Rebours
The Informalist Rebellion (1939 – 1968)
Heart Of Spain
Robert Capa's Photographs of the Spanish Civil War From the Collection of the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia
Chema Madoz
Objects 1990 – 1999
Julião Sarmento
Miguel Ángel Campano
Fotografía pública
Photography in Print 1919 – 1939
Espacio Uno II
Siah Armajani
Miquel Barceló
Work on Paper, 1979–1999
Surrealistas en el exilio y los inicios de la Escuela de Nueva York