Home/Collection/Authors Mathias Goeritz Gdansk (former Danzig), Poland, 1915 - Mexico City, Mexico, 1990 Grand guignol andalou (Bullfight) III Mathias Goeritz 1946 Bajo el sol (Under the Sun) Mathias Goeritz 1948 Cartel de las Cuevas de Altamira (Caves of Altamira Poster) Mathias Goeritz 1948 Room 400.05 Bajo la luna (Under the Moon) Mathias Goeritz 1948 Gallo en la cueva (Cock in the Cave) Mathias Goeritz 1948 (circa) Room 400.05 Dos formas naranjas y la tercera amarilla (Two Orange Forms and a Third in Yellow) Mathias Goeritz 1956 Torres de Ciudad Satélite (Towers of Satellite City) Mathias Goeritz 1957-1958 Tres formas amarillas (Three Yellow Forms) Mathias Goeritz 1956 Pirámide de doce cajas apiladas (Pyramid of Twelve Boxes Piled Up) Mathias Goeritz 1961