Antígona (Antigone)

Elena Asins

Madrid, Spain, 1940 - Azpíroz, Navarre, Spain, 2015
  • Date: 
  • Material: 
    Corten steel
  • Technique: 
    A tubular interior structure made of weathering steel, TIG welding and two-component polyurethane paint
  • Dimensions: 
    Overall: 80 x 1.950 x 124 cm
  • Category: 
  • Entry date: 
  • Register number: 
  • Bequest of Elena Asins, 2017

The title of this work alludes to the Greek heroine Antigone — the protagonist in Sophocles’ work by the same name – who is the personification of the female rebel going against the conventions and strategies of forms of power. In this sculpture, Elena Asins turns to the Greek letters from the name, A?t?????, to shape a large-scale composition in jet black. The visitor, upon facing the unfathomable grandeur of the installation, experiences a feeling of disquiet and impotence in the mourning over the death of Antigone, who, condemned to be buried alive, avoided such an ordeal by hanging herself.
