Esther Ferrer. All Variations Are Valid, Including this One

Esther Ferrer, in fifty years of dedication to art, has assembled a multidisciplinary and profoundly critical body of work in the tradition of process art, redrawing the boundaries of language and time, placing the body in the center, and then turning it into both subject and object.
This catalog reproduces a good number of the scores of Esther Ferrer, as well as a CD with sound works. Special care has also been taken in the covers of the book, of which more than 40 different versions have been made, available randomly in the bookstores.
Esther Ferrer, Laurence Rassel, Mar Villaespesa, María Salgado, Patricia Brignone, Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux, Carmen G. Muriana
- Year:
- 2017
- Language:
- English
- Type:
- Exhibition Catalogue
- Binding:
- Paperback
- Format:
- Printed and PDF
- Dimensions:
- 16,5 x 23,5
- Pages:
- 376
- 978-84-8026-559-1
- 036-17-029-0
- Edited by:
- Museo Reina Sofía
- Editorial line:
- Exhibitions
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Also available in: La Central Bookshop, the Palacios y Museos Shop and the Ministry of Culture Bookshop.
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