The Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía is committed to universal accessibility and works to continually improve services for visitors and to develop an education programme that is based on the principle of design for all, offering a quality service to a diverse range of visitors.
Accessibility contact
Tel.: +34 91 774 1000 Ext. 289996
Physical accessibility
Access to the Museo that is free from architectural barriers and the chance to move around the different spaces without discomfort and obstacles, these are the fundamental conditions for achieving full accessibility. Practically all areas open to the public are wheelchair accessible, and the work carried out to improve this aspect is ongoing. A whole range of services such as ramps, disabled WCs, seats and cloakrooms facilitate visits to the Museo.
Access to the Museo
Sabatini building
The entrance to the Museo through the Sabatini Building is wheelchair accessible. To avoid steps, the Plaza de Juan Goytisolo must be accessed from calle Santa Isabel or by moving along the edge of the Plaza, with the Museo building on the left. See map.
Nouvel building
Access through the Nouvel Building is fully accessible. Access through the nearest entrance in the Plaza del Emperador Carlos V is recommended because it has a flatter ramp. See map.
Palacio de Cristal and Palacio de Velázquez
Access to the Palacio de Cristal can be gained through a ramp with various sections, while access to the Palacio de Velázquez is obtained via a platform lift. Please ask the security staff to activate the lift by pressing the button. See map.
Groups arriving in adapted vehicles can park free of charge in the Museo’s loading bay, with access via Calle Argumosa, on the corner with Calle Hospital. This service must be requested beforehand by writing to the following email address:
Moving around spaces inside the Museo
These must be requested at the Information Points in the Sabatini and Nouvel Buildings. The request will be registered and the personal details of the applicant will be noted down, including their ID number, passport number, or similar.
The doors that provide access to the different areas in the Museo have sufficient opening width. The majority are hinged and occasionally move into busy areas. They are normally operated by using a handle; however, some doors can be particularly heavy.
The majority of slopes in the exhibition rooms are equipped with ramps, although these are without handrails on either side or wide approach areas. The Protocol Room in the Sabatini Building and the Bóvedas Room are not wheelchair accessible.
There are two lift towers in the Sabatini Building, to the left and right of the main entrance, connecting floors 1, 2, 3 and 4. There is another lift inside the building which grants access to floors 0, 1 and 3 but has a more limited capacity. The two lifts in the Nouvel Building connect floors 0, 1, 2 and 3, and have a limited capacity, which means there is preferential access for one wheelchair per lift.
There are benches in the cloister area on Floors 1, 2 and 3 in the Sabatini Building and some of the exhibition rooms.
The different desks distributed around the Museo are generally between 1 and 1.10m high. These desks do not have adapted areas that allow wheelchair users or people of short stature to approach comfortably.
Disabled WCs
Disabled WCs are located in the following areas:
Sabatini Building, Floor 1, main Gallery
Sabatini Building, Floor 4, next to rooms 403 and 407
Nouvel Building, Mezzanine (between Floor 0 and Floor 1)
Nouvel Building, Floor 0, Café-Restaurant
Some are equipped with baby changing areas
Sabatini Building Auditorium
This is accessed through ramps with a suitable gradient. Wheelchair users must position themselves in the aisle or in front of the first row of seats. Accessing the stage without assistance is not possible.
Auditorium 200 (Nouvel Building)
Wheelchair users gain access from the lobby via a restricted use lift and must position themselves behind the last row of seats. The auditorium has a cubicle with disabled WCs. Wheelchair users can access the stage through an accessible alternative route.
Auditorium 400 (Nouvel Building)
Wheelchair users can access the auditorium through the lobby, which doesn’t have slopes and has two areas reserved in the central rows. There are two disabled WC cubicles, one for women and one for men, and wheelchair users can access the stage through an accessible alternative route.
The Museo offers visitors different spaces for rest and conversation.
Library and Research Centre
In order to use the lifts, the Museo staff must be notified. If any material is out of reach, help must be requested from the staff in charge.
More information on the Library.
In order to use the lifts, the Museo or bookshop staff must be notified.
La Central SHOP
Located in the Sabatini Building entrance. In order to use the ramp access, the Museo staff must be notified.
The Café and Restaurant located in the Nouvel Building are wheelchair accessible through automatic doors. The space between tables allows ample wheelchair mobility, and there are also built-in disabled WC cubicles for men and women. However, the bar is not adapted for wheelchair users.
Visual Accessibility
Accessibility measures for blind people or those with visual impairments are oriented towards the effective dissemination of information, facilitating mobility and allowing aesthetic enjoyment, both independently and in the company of the Museo’s educators, who guide, support and personalise visits. The combination between verbal information, touch access and sound is one of the keys to these programmes, carried out with support from the ONCE organisation.
Visits for visually impaired visitors
The Museo offers blind people or those with low vision the possibility of participating in touch tours and descriptive visits about various works from the Collection.
In certain areas of the Museo the contrast between doors and wall surfaces is not particularly clear. Although glass doors are marked with logos and white dots, at times the contrast may not be enough and can cause reflections. The majority of the doors are hinged and occasionally move into busy areas.
Guide dogs and assistance dogs are allowed through the submission of the relevant documents beforehand.
Audio guides with audio description
Audio Accessibility
Through Spanish Sign Language (LSE), recently recognised as an official language, and the use of hearing assistance systems, for instance the hearing loop, the entire Deaf community have the chance to visit, participate in and enjoy the Museo. Regardless of the system used by each deaf person or those with hearing loss, the Museo can be visited either independently or with organised groups, and all scheduled public activities can also be enjoyed.
Visits for deaf people
Personal magnetic induction loops for acoustic amplification and Spanish Sign Language interpreter services are available. Some of the videos in the Collection and in the Museo’s exhibitions are also subtitled in Spanish and/or English.
Sign guide
Spanish Sign Language (LSE) interpreter service
A service catering to deaf people who wish to participate in any of the Museo’s activities, such as courses, workshops and guided tours. This free service must be requested upon registration, at least 15 days in advance, by sending an email to:
The information and ticket desks in the Sabatini and Nouvel Buildings, along with the audio guide desk in the Sabatini Building (where sign guides, personal hearing loops and radio guide systems are available), are equipped with a permanent sound amplification system via a hearing loop for visitors with hearing aids, found in the position “T” (telecoil). The desks are marked with an identifying symbol.
personal LOOPS
The Museo has a free loan service of personal hearing loops available to people with hearing impairments or hearing loss, enabling the services offered by the Museo to be used normally.
Audio guides
When using the audio guide service, a hearing loop compatible with the equipment can be requested without any additional cost.
Price: general €4,50 / students €3,50
Visits around the exhibition rooms
The personal hearing loops are available for any of the aforementioned visits. They can be acquired at the Audio guide desk in the Sabatini Building.
Auditorium events (Nouvel Building, Auditorium 200 and 400 and Sabatini Building, Auditorium)
The receiver and personal hearing loop can be acquired from the visitor service staff, next to the desk marked accordingly.
An ID document is required as a deposit, and will be held until the equipment is returned when leaving the Auditorium.
Intellectual Accessibility
The Museo is a space for dialogue that must stand as a reference point for inclusion and social coexistence, as well as a place for individual development, where the chances for reflection, critical education and values are multiplied and strengthen capacities for everyone.
Groups arriving in adapted vehicles have access to free parking in the Museo’s loading bay, with access from Calle Argumosa, on the corner with Calle Hospital. This service must be requested beforehand.
Disabled WCs
Disabled WCs are located in the following areas:
Sabatini Building
Floor 1, main Gallery
Floor 4, next to rooms 407 and 403
Nouvel Building
Mezzanine (between Floor 0 and Floor 1)
Some are equipped with baby changing areas
Information and emergency signs use internationally recognised pictograms. If any sign is difficult to understand or identify, please ask a member of the information staff or send a suggestion to:
If you require medical assistance during your visit, there is a first-aid kit located in the main gallery of the Sabatini Building, Floor 1 (see map).
Wheelchair loans
These must be requested at the Information Points in the Sabatini and Nouvel Buildings. The request will be registered and the personal details of the applicant will be noted down, including their ID number, passport number, or similar.
Those people with a registered disability can enjoy free access to the Museo. Should they need support during their visit, the person accompanying them will also be exempt from the admission fee. Check full conditions.
The lifts in both the Nouvel Building and the Sabatini Building are visually numbered and displayed in braille and high relief, but without sound. Lifts in the Sabatini Building have a greater capacity than those in the Nouvel Building. These lifts are all panoramic and are not, therefore, suitable for people who suffer from vertigo. However, there is also a lift inside the Sabatini Building which connects floors 0, 1 and 3.
There are benches in the cloister area on Floors 1, 2 and 3 in the Sabatini Building and some of the exhibition rooms.
Cloakroom and Lockers
At the access points of both buildings there is a cloakroom and locker service. In the Sabatini Building these are accessed via a ramp. The service located in the Nouvel Building square is not wheelchair accessible. Inside the Museo, in the Nouvel Building, there are automatic lockers reserved for wheelchair users. For large bags, the automatic lockers located in the Nouvel Building square are recommended.
Groups arriving in adapted vehicles have access to free parking in the Museo’s loading bay, with access from Calle Argumosa, on the corner with Calle Hospital. To avoid any inconvenience this service must be requested beforehand.
If you require medical assistance during your visit, there is a first-aid kit located in the main gallery of the Sabatini Building, Floor 1 (see map).
Information Staff
The information staff are trained to advise you about the services, spaces and activities offered by the Museo. They can be recognised by using this icon and are found at the following Information Points:
The Sabatini Building and Nouvel Building Entrances to the Museo
The Connection between the Sabatini and Nouvel Buildings (Floor 1)
Entrances of Palacio de Cristal and Palacio de Velázquez
In the different areas of circulation, for instance the zones connecting buildings and access areas to lifts, general floor plans are available. These can also be consulted here.